Friday 15 July 2016

Strike in the University

Hello everyone! well today I have to write about the strike in the university or about my favorite Band / singer. I have some ideas to choose my favorite singer, always and forever I choose Justin Bieber, and other option can be Bea Miller, she is not the most famous singer but I really love her and her music; I have a lot of things to say about that singers but now I choose to talk about the strike, a thing what is so important now for me and my education.

The strike and the return to class now is critical because we are losing a lot of class in our basic subjects, the teachers give us works in group so we can make it during the strike, and we can read some text associated with the topics.

I one or two subjects we have the sufficient marks to close the semester, like Anthropology and Archaeology, also we have expositions pending but is not urgent. To the contrary, Philosophy is a critical subject because we need the class to understand the authors and the interpretation to somethings.

What I feel about the strike? We just lose time, and we don’t win nothing, now after 6 or 7 weeks without class I am a little scare, because I don’t know how can we return to class, this Monday we have to voting again to return to class or not. That is the situation and we just can wait to see what happened.

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