Friday 27 May 2016

A place I would like to visit

Today I have to write about a place that I would like to visit, but, how I can decide? I think it is so difficult because are so many places in this world, and all of them are so different and interesting. So I really want to travel around the entire world, Europe, Oceania, North America, etc., but if I have to choose a specific country o place maybe I can say the place of my dreams is Oceania, and visit Australia or New Zealand.

Why I choose this places? well, I really love all about Australia (except for the insects), I like the Ocean and the beaches, the animals and all nature, is a place with a beautiful landscape, and I really want to travel to this place before to die, is my dream could stay in that country and live there for a few months, and learn more and batter about speak in english and about that culture, I really hope in a future I can visit that beautiful place.    

From Chile, a dreamer ;)

Friday 6 May 2016

English presentation

Well, the preparation for my presentation was chaotic, because this week was terrible and so busy and I made a little part during the week, and today in the lunch I finish, or made all the text and the ppt for the presentation.

I practice just ten minutes before the class, but I don’t have problems to speak in public so I didn’t be so afraid or nervous. Just in the moment that I start talking i was a little nervous but I just tried to calm myself and expose the better way that I can.

That was my experience; tell me what happened in your case J